What is FUSE? 
FUSE is the student showcase where Bradley University’s creatives from the Interactive Media Department are able to show off their work that they have been collaborating on over the school year. Bringing together the communities of technology, art, and media, FUSE gives the public an idea of what it means to be a student in the popular areas of animation, UI/UX design, game design, game art, and much more. It also shows the public the best of the Interactive Media Department and the time and effort that goes into their work.
Founded on the idea of bringing together industry professionals and the public, FUSE acts as a way for both groups to take a close look into the processes and pieces of Bradley University’s designers and developers. Including video reels, student conversations and interviews, engaging learning, and interactive exhibits filled with projects, FUSE is a must-see online event for the year.
The following is the FUSE 2021website:   bradleyinteractive.com/2021
As the FUSE 2021 Art Director, my team created all of the artwork for beyond the logos of individual games. My team and I  designed the logo, various artwork displayed throughout the website, and the footers for the website. Find out more about our process and artwork below! 
Below are the footers of the website. In the designing of the footers, artists used each others artwork/assets to complete them. 
Below are the logos many iterations. My team completed some concept art for other logos designs, but the team eventually narrowed it down to my octopus design. I assigned my team the task of taking the concept and expanding it. 
Below is the base for the backgrounds that were designed by my team as seen above. I created the base for the backgrounds and the team used assets designed by myself and their other teammates.
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